La Fraternità del Beato Gerardo invia gli auguri di Natale alla Casa d'Epiro
Principessa Donna Giuseppina Sacchi, Contessa di Lisio
Principe Davide e Principessa Patrizia Pozzi Sacchi di Santa Sofia
Dear Contessa Sacchi di Lisio,
This is to wish you God's richest blessings for the rest of Advent, for the Christmas Season and for the New Year 2010.
At the same time we want to express our gratitude to all people who have supported us in 2009 through their prayers or donations or active involvement in our work.
Please have a look at our Annual Report 2009 and Newsletter 2009/2010 at http://bbg.org.za/newsletters/29/ which will inform you in detail about the many great developments in our service.
We would like to make a small Christmas gift you and have therefore put a copy of our Calendar for 2010 ready for you to collect at http://bbg.org.za/pr/calendar/2010/2010calendar-small.pdf
Kindly keep supporting our work. This time I have a special challenge to you at: http://bbg.org.za/finance/beard.htm
Please continue your friendship also in 2009 as we promise you, dear Contessa Sacchi di Lisio, our daily prayers for all our supporters.
May God bless you abundantly!
Yours sincerely
Father Gerard T Lagleder O.S.B.
Brotherhood of Blessed Gerard P O Box 440 Mandeni 4490 South Africa
Phone +27 (0)32 4562743 Fax +27 (0)32 4567962 info@bbg.org.za www.bbg.org.za
Principessa Donna Giuseppina Sacchi, Contessa di Lisio
Principe Davide e Principessa Patrizia Pozzi Sacchi di Santa Sofia
Dear Contessa Sacchi di Lisio,
This is to wish you God's richest blessings for the rest of Advent, for the Christmas Season and for the New Year 2010.
At the same time we want to express our gratitude to all people who have supported us in 2009 through their prayers or donations or active involvement in our work.
Please have a look at our Annual Report 2009 and Newsletter 2009/2010 at http://bbg.org.za/newsletters/29/ which will inform you in detail about the many great developments in our service.
We would like to make a small Christmas gift you and have therefore put a copy of our Calendar for 2010 ready for you to collect at http://bbg.org.za/pr/calendar/2010/2010calendar-small.pdf
Kindly keep supporting our work. This time I have a special challenge to you at: http://bbg.org.za/finance/beard.htm
Please continue your friendship also in 2009 as we promise you, dear Contessa Sacchi di Lisio, our daily prayers for all our supporters.
May God bless you abundantly!
Yours sincerely
Father Gerard T Lagleder O.S.B.
Brotherhood of Blessed Gerard P O Box 440 Mandeni 4490 South Africa
Phone +27 (0)32 4562743 Fax +27 (0)32 4567962 info@bbg.org.za www.bbg.org.za
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